A Dedicated Chief Privacy Officer for Your Company

Our Fractional Chief Privacy Officer (F-CPO) leads and manages your company’s successful data privacy & protection compliance. Maybe you don’t have a CPO or not ready to hire a new executive full-time, with HONOS get the expertise you need to manage your privacy programme.


Expert CPO Services for
Data Privacy and Compliance

In an age where data privacy is paramount, trust is your most valuable asset. Secure your business’s reputation and customer confidence with our fractional Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) services. Use HONOS to get an executive dedicated to the data protection for your business, without the big costs of an executive.

Comprehensive Privacy Management
Dedicated Executive Privacy Leadership
Cost-Effective Executive input

What We Do

Why Choose Our Fractional CPO Services?

Our Services

What does the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) Do?

A CPO is not just another C-Suite, this is the data protection armor and leadership your company needs.

Executive Privacy Managament

A Chief Privacy Officer’s main mission is to make privacy an intrinsic part of a company’s DNA. They work beyond the legal jargon and regulations to embed privacy into the culture and daily operations. CPOs foster a mindset where data protection becomes a reflex, not just a requirement. By implementing strong data governance, risk assessment, and proactive measures, CPOs guide companies in operationalizing privacy. Discover how CPOs can help your organization integrate privacy as a core value and competitive advantage.

Privacy Architect & Leader

Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs) are the architects of privacy operations within companies. They design and implement strategies that go beyond mere legal compliance. CPOs are responsible for building frameworks that protect data, mitigate risks, and ensure data privacy is ingrained in the company’s DNA. They work alongside legal teams to establish a strong foundation, but their focus extends to making privacy functional, operational, and an integral part of the business strategy. Discover how CPOs transform privacy into a thriving business asset.

Compliance Driver

Compliance is just the beginning. Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs) are instrumental in taking privacy from a checkbox exercise to a dynamic business function. They create strategies that integrate privacy into every facet of operations, from product development to customer relations. CPOs drive risk management, incident response, and data protection culture. Their role is not just about avoiding fines but about making privacy an operational asset that enhances trust and competitiveness. Learn how CPOs elevate privacy to operational success.

Privacy as an Operational Asset

Chief Privacy Officers (CPOs) are more than just guardians of compliance. They play a pivotal role in making privacy an operational asset for companies. By focusing on data management, risk assessment, and fostering a culture of data protection, CPOs help organizations not only meet legal requirements but also transform privacy into a driver of trust, innovation, and operational excellence. Discover how a CPO can elevate your data privacy efforts.

Successful Projects
Years of Experience
Cups of coffee
Satisfied clients